Sunday, December 21, 2008

I had to workout at 6 pm today...between work and walking scout I was on my feet all day. Work for most people doesnt include flipping monster truck tires across a room or demonstrating countless pull ups, ring dips and its hard to workout at the end of a day.
I did 100 double unders UNBROKEN..boy does that BURN! all over. shoulders, legs, forearms.

my favorite workout AGAIN. I wanted to reward myself after a long day

15 Deadlifts
12 Hang Cleans
9 Front squats
6 Push Jerks

4 rounds

97 pounds ( 2 more pounds added)

15:39 ..tireddddddd! but it was I will try this again in three weeks.

By the way, if any of you who are reading this, have not tried any of these workouts, please do. they are the most deceiving looking critters that exist. On paper...sure..thats not too bad...but wait until you are 2 minutes into ANY of these. good luck :)

1 comment:

Jay C said...

Nice work Sarah, sharp blog.